Saturday, August 14, 2010

Greetings! We're in freezing cold San Francisco for a few days experiencing the perks and pains of city life. So far, we're off to a good start. We went to see Wicked the musical at the Orpheum with Tree's mom, Angela, her dear friend John, and my childhood, amazing hat-making friend Brienna. The show brought Angela and I to tears. Of course, that doesn't really say much because we tend to cry a lot, but nonetheless, the costumes were gorgeous, the two leading ladies sang with incredible pathos, and the musical itself was funny while still considering some deeper philosophical questions.
Namely, the play asks whether or not the inherent nature of man is good or evil, or whether these qualities are thrust upon us by society. It also juxtaposes the idea of true goodness which is characterized by truth, justice, love, compassion, and integrity against the idea of perceived goodness, or what's popular and convenient to believe and do. It's an interesting thing to consider right now in San Francisco immediately after Prop 8 was repealed. In my loud and unwavering opinion, I see those fighting for equality in marriage as the legitimate ambassadors of goodness whereas those others, the prop 8 advocates who try to mask their prejudice in the name of goodness, as the truly wicked ones. 

Anyway, more to come.....I misplaced the camera cord in order to download the photos, so these three will have to suffice for the time being.  

Much love to ALL - Stevie


Anonymous said...

That's a great play! I saw it when I got back from nam!
Tom from colorado

Anonymous said...

Great hat! Beautiful picture--you two "sparkle!" Miss you.

Tree said...

We love you cheryll! and kiki misses you!

mom said...

Hey Lovely Ones,
Just got back from the S.F. trip, tired and happy. . . a total blast! (But of course, the best part was spending special time with you two!) The Betty Butler show at Yoshi's was over the top! Blessings on the next phase of your journey, and take good care of each other! I'll meet up with you next south of the border.
Until then, I love you stars . . .

Love mom

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