Thursday, September 30, 2010

We're MEXICANS! Well, for a while anyway...

We just officially secured 6 month visa cards for Mexico. I'm not sure we'll be there that long, but that will sure give us plenty of time to drink tequila and surf the waves of the Pacific coast before heading into Guatemala! We also heeded the advice of many friends and we bought the best auto insurance available for the Sprinter. Our new friend Carol from Discover Baja Travel Club totally dialed us in with everything we need, plus gave us a TON of beta on where to stay. We are now also card carrying members of the Discover Baja Travel Club by the way!  We asked Carol what she thought about the safety in Mexico. She has traveled ALL over Mexico and the world in the last 35 years with her family. She and her husband had actually just dropped their twenty-something year old son off at a BUS STATION in Tijuana!!! From there he plans to bus it to Costa Rica. She gave us great advice. Like us, Carol believes that there are dangerous places anywhere you go, including the United States. She encouraged common sense, good planning, and an open heart. The universe will take care of the rest. I really liked that advice. Perspective is a funny and a powerful thing. Thanks Carol. You're the best.  TREE

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


In the past I haven’t always been a fan of saying goodbye- a lot of drama and to what end? was my line of thinking. This time though, given the length of our trip, the distance we’re traveling, and the obvious preparation to depart, there’s really no getting around it.
True to their form, they have been sad and sometimes tearful. Our loved ones have taken us in their arms, pulled us close, and squeeeeezed their coded message deep into our hearts.  I can’t be sure, but I think please don’t die, we love you is what they’re saying. 
And yet, I’ve come to appreciate the ceremony of goodbye.  I spent the last week in Los Angeles visiting my family and friends in order to say those powerful words.
By punctuating time, I value it more. I realize how important it is to me to share moments, big and small, with those I love.  Goodbye hurts because I’m forced to look at my absence and what it will mean. Eating take-out while my mom and dad’s new kitchen floor was being laid, I thought about how important the transition moments are in life when you’re just sitting around, eating Thai food, while change happens before your eyes, and, then, all of a sudden, the room or person that you’re looking at is entirely remodeled. Not to mention all the birthdays, holidays, and monumental events that I will miss like the day my sister’s boyfriend Phil proposes (can't wait!) or when my friends’ new babies take their first steps. And I want to be the one you call when you’re mad, heartbroken or lonely. I want to be your touchstone, your confidante, your daughter, your sister, your friend. I am going to miss you all.
Yet, I know that like everything in life, this is temporary, and that we are always in flux. I also know that this trip is calling out to our soul; we must go. When we return, we’ll bring all of our experiences in the form of our broader wisdom and deeper compassion home with us to share with you. Much love- STEVIE
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.- MARK TWAIN

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bachelor Days Are Over - Can't Wait to See My Girls!

Today Stevie and Kiki will rejoin me in San Clemente! I can't wait to see them. It's been a lonely week without my girls. Day to day life just seems dull without them. These two beauties have taught me that the value of an experience is in sharing it with the ones you love. That's no shit.

The next 10 days already seem like a blur as we map out the details and tasks for our final preparations. We have lots of new things to show you, so stay tuned!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Heros - The World By Road

“Many of the travelers…are no more than runners, long distance runners who chase madly around the globe, running away from discipline…and the square world. But others… are running toward rather than from… these are the true travelers, the ones to whom travel is a way of life rather than an escape from life…”- Harold Stephens

These guys just finished driving around the world. The WHOLE world. Watch this short video. Its 3 minutes long. It's Sicko!!!

Around The World Video - Click Here

Here is their website if you want more...

Around The World Website - Click Here


Friday, September 24, 2010

Kiki is going global!

For the record, we never even considered doing the drive to the tip of South America without Kiki. We've been planning this trip for over TWO YEARS, and the sentiment all along was that this would be Kiki's retirement. She may look like a puppy but she's 10 and 1/2 years old. I suppose given the choice a thick furry black dog would choose anywhere but the equator to spend it's golden years, but not Kiki. I'm no Dog Whisperer but when I heard her say "ruff ruff ruff" it sounded a lot like "let's do a surf trip to south america daddy". And so here we go.

The family task of researching what would be required to take a K9 across 17 Central and South American borders, (including a ferry from Panama to Columbia) was immediately delegated to Mommy. Only a Mother has the patience for a project of that magnitude. Stevie started investigating about 3 months ago and we are happy to report that we now have in our procession 17 doggie passports with all of the forms and documents required to safely transport Kiki to the other side of the word, moving north to south. Stevie has Kiki in LA right now getting her last round of shots and paper work from the Vet. Pretty soon Kiki will be RUFFING in Espanol. That will make me the last member of the family not to speak spanish. TREE

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Sis!!!!

Yesterday was my big sister's birthday, and for the first time since we were teenagers I was able to spend it with her! My Dad and Diane set up a base-camp in Anaheim and we all had an amazing couple days hanging out. We ate steak, drank wine, and went to Disneyland. (check out the video of my Sister braving her fears on the Roller-Coaster, bottom of this post. Her and Stevie are right up front!)

Last night when it came time to say good-bye we were sad. We know this is the last time we'll see those guys for a long time. It has been difficult for both Stevie and I to say our good-byes to people. We see sadness, excitement, concern, and love in the eyes of our family and friends. We've decided to live our lives in a way that isn't "conventional" to say the least, and we know that it's been hard and possibly scary for some of you. As Stevie and I follow our hearts and pursue our path, we want you to know that we appreciate your support, we heed your words of caution, and we feel your love! You will be in our hearts as we journey to Tierra Del Fuego, and beyond. TREE


Monday, September 20, 2010

Stevie's First Day On Xanadu

Today the swell was big, and Stevie was ready to test Xanadu! Witness the maiden voyage...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Goodbye Baby Blue, Hello Xanadu!

After several sessions on the foam training board we know as "Baby Blue", Stevie started to paddle into waves all by herself, catch them, stand up, and surf!  I was SO STOKED for her! When Stevie lines up for a wave, watch out.  I've never seen two little arms swing so fast. To get the visual, think Road-Runner legs. Water flies up and swirls around in a blur of motion and then POP, there she is standing up and surfing the wave. 

There was only one thing to do after I saw that a few times. Time to go board shopping! When I buy a board I'll pretty much grab what I want, have it waxed up, and I'll be in the water inside of an hour. Stevie really prefers to take her time when she's shopping. I learned this early on in the grocery store and should have expected nothing less when we ventured off to buy her new surf board. We drove from Oceanside to San Diego hitting every surf shop on the map looking for what Stevie called the "I'll know it when I see it" board. I enjoyed watching the faces of each employee as she went from board to board, isle to isle, shop to shop, and town to town. Those retail clerks had to earn their minimum wage when my lady came in. "I don't care how many fins it has, does it come in pink? No? OK, bye!". 

But my little angel was right. She knew it when she saw it. It was pink. It had flowers. And it was perfect. Everyone... meet Xanadu!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sunsets on the balcony

The roof rack sunset platform is one of the best home improvement projects we've done this summer.
Every night we climb upstairs to enjoy the sunset with a bottle of wine and a plate of yummy cheese.  
Sometimes it's Sano, sometimes the San Clemente pier.
Wherever we are though, it's always the perfect ending to a day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

International Driving Permit Secured

Preparations continue as our countdown for departure gets closer and closer. I've secured my International Drivers Permit. These are not required, but can make life easier in some countries, especially in South America. Uruguay actually requires one. We have so much to do in the next 3 weeks. The reality is starting to set in on us. We're crossing the border and won't be coming back to the USA for quite a while. We're both shaking with anticipation as we plan and execute the last minute details. Having done trips all over the world, it is dawning on me that this is the biggest logistical challenge I've faced, especially when it comes to taking Kiki. Stevie has done an amazing job collecting all the forms and info we'll need to get her into every country though. We still have a huge list, but it's getting smaller all the time!  TREE

Monday, September 13, 2010

Engagement Party in LA

We just spent a wonderful weekend in LA hanging out with Stevie's Family. Her parents threw us an engagement party on Saturday and we all enjoyed a vintage 2000 bottle of Dom Perignon, complements of her parents. It was amazing! (thanks guys!!!).  We ate great food and drank several bottles of wine. Very good times.

We're still not exactly sure where we'll be getting married, but we're both very excited about it. We cross the border in 3 short weeks and after that we'll be looking for the perfect beach. Stevie has been working on an outfit for Kiki. She's got the yellow shoes and a new matching bow already. Stevie is keeping her attire a secret and she already told me I could wear board shorts! Yippee.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Alexis!!!

When I was little, what I wanted most, more than anything, was a baby sister.  Finally, 28 years ago today, I got one!!!! My mom, dad, and I love celebrating my sister's birthday more than any of our own. True, this is partially because she's the youngest and needs to catch up, but it's also because we recognize that MY baby sister is the cheese on the pizza, the ketchup on the french fries- the meatballs in the spaghetti. She is the magic ingredient that made us a family. 

I love you Alex! You're still the best present I've ever received!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everyone keeps complaining about how cold it is: Where's summer? It never came. Someone give the sun back. 

Well, waahh-waahh! Haven't you people ever heard of layering? Ruff Ruff -Kiki

I know, I know,  it doesn't match my shoes. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

No Swell. No Waves.

The ocean has gone flat and the surf forecast shows no sign of life for days to come. We've migrated south to Carlsbad where we set up camp behind the best 24 hour fitness in San Diego County. They have a great gym, hot tub, and sauna. Here we will lurk until more South swell arrives. I'm getting a lot of work done and Stevie is studying spanish like crazy. She will be conversationally competent by the time we cross the border on Oct 11th, which will be an enormous bonus for our little tribe. We are both starting to feel excited as our border crossing date gets closer and closer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Orange County? They should call it RED County!

That's right, we're hanging out in the OC, just trying to keep a low-pro. We're not sure, but it feels like we're being watched all the time. I put a gag-order on Stevie's radical left-wing rhetoric. We've already had one "incident" at the San Clemente Starbucks and lets not even talk about the episode at the gym. Kiki is the only minority for miles, so we keep a very close eye on her at all times. I thought I would at least feel safe in the surf line-up, but nine to eleven year old kids continue to punt arial 360s over my head while I paddle out. I'm not sure, but they appear to be trying to slice me in half with their fins. Maybe T-street is a locals-only spot and I should go back to Trestles. After this town, Mexico is going to feel safe. No joke, we're just trying to survive here.
Over and out - TREE

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Mom! You're the best in the whole wide world. Love you more than all the stars in the sky!!! xoxoxo tree

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