Sunday, June 27, 2010

Almost to Canada…almost..

Slowly, like a doped up turtle, we make our way North! We started this morning in Leavenworth, WA and made it another 60 miles north this afternoon to Chelan. It’s funny, before we left LA we didn’t really know how fast we were going to move. I had an agenda, but looking back it was laughable compared to our actual pace. For the first time in my life, I’m slow.

Today in Leavenworth we hit 4 more wineries. Stevie talked one lady into opening a 04 Old Vine Cab that was tops. On the way out of town we stopped to observe Family Rule #4 when we passed the WORLD FAMOUS Bratwurst stand. Stevie was supposed to follow Family Rule #9, which states all food is divided amongst family members based on body weight. I was really looking forward to half of her Cheddar and Jalapeño Sausage, however she blatantly violated the rule and raised eyebrows from neighboring diners when she woofed it down in under 3 minutes flat. I was mentally reviewing my Heimlich maneuver, but luckily it wasn’t needed.

We reached Lake Chelan around 4pm and I went out for a nice Stand-up paddle session while Kiki walked Stevie. We like it here and we’ll probably spend a couple days before pushing north another 50 or 60 miles.
Over and Out - TREE


Anonymous said...

Your are the most awesome couple in existence!


Anonymous said...

I still owe You for my half of the Bison Burger.


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