The original plan was to visit all of the towns and states named Trujillo on our way south. We missed Trujillo in Honduras due to a run in with a narco gang and a Sprinter break down, (remember that nightmare by clicking here). But I was determined not to miss the one in Venezuela.
And so here we are, in Trujillo Venezuela! I feel very very important here. I make it a point to introduce myself as "Senor Trujillo". I walk tall and with purpose. Stevie calls it "strutting", but she's just new to the whole "Trujillo way". I even made myself a small name tag and placed it prominently on my right chest pocket.
When Stevie reminds me that Trujillo was a brutal dictator known throughout the Americas, I politely request her to BE QUIET, or else. Viva los Trujillos!
I would love to get a placa like this for the Sprinter.
Our drive across the plains toward the mountain town of La Puerta was beautiful. Guillermo and Paola are still traveling with us. They are great companions.
As soon as we arrive anywhere, the first thing our friends do after setting us up in a Posada is go to the Central Plaza where they sell. This is how they make their money. They travel from country to country with nothing more than two big backpacks. Guillermo calls it "The Simple Life." He says that the more simple your life is, the happier you will be. I am beginning to believe him.
Video - Street selling in La Puerta, watch now
It is such a gift for us to be traveling with these guys. They are truly enlightened. Every morning I say to Guillermo, "buenos dias hermano" and every morning he greets me with the same response:
"Cada dia es mejor Tree, cada dia estamos mejor"
Translation - Every day is better Tree, every day WE are better
Should I be paying him for these words of wisdom, life lessons, and inspiration?
Track Sprinter Life's exact GPS location!
that is hilarious!
you guys are really lucky to be traveling with such wonderful people. What great luck you have. We're really enjoying the pictures of Venezuela. Keep posting them please
If only the simple life had full medical and dental coverage.... :)
hola querido amigo lindo encontrar con vos y con Stevie,ustedes son personas especiales que yo y Guille jamas nos olvidaremos. besos
Descu`pe mas so posso expressar o que realmente estou sentindo mna minha lingua.
Quando vi Stevie por primeira vez, pensei que ela morava em Cartagena, pois estava com Kike,dai ela passou outra vez e outra vez e já a esperavamos todos os dias, queriamos que ela sentasse e conversasse conosco, ela me pareceu linda e simpatica, cheia de vida e alegria. Gostei dela ao ve-la.
Despois rapidamente conhecemos a Tree e já com o convite a viajar de Caratgena a Santa Marta, para nos também era uma aventura, pois nao sabiamos que nos esperava.
Tree e Stevie voces foram um grande presente para mim e para Guillermo, o amor de voces é lindo,fomos nos conhecendo a pouco e anosso amor por voces foi crescendo a cada dia, sinto que voces nao sairao mais de nossas vidas. Muito obrigada por voces existirem em nossas vidas. beijos e muitos beijos
you lost me Paula
Well son, you should walk tall with the name "Trujillo" There was a bad dictator in the Dominican Republic during the early 60's, as I was reminded during that era. I understand the Trujillo's were settled in Trujillo, Spain, and began immigrating to various parts of Mexico, Central and South America as Spain was attempting to settle and establish the country. I don't know of the early Trujillo family status or role played in settling the areas, but I suspect they had some influence because of the states and number if cities named Trujillo.
As for the placa, find an old abandoned car and remove the placa to the front of the Sprinter.
Alexis (aka SIS) - You don't have to worry about full medical and dental coverage in countries that have social health care! And it's pretty damn good care here in Venezuela. If we, the US, cut our military spending by 20% we could give 100% free health care to every person in America, including the "illegal immigrants". It is unbelievable to me that we choose to build weapons instead of take care of our people.
Anonymous - Paula's first comment says she is so happy to have met us. We're special people to them and they won't forget us. Her second comment is in Portuguese and I have no idea what it says.
Senor - I am super proud to be a Trujillo, and so is Stevie!
you don't speak Portuguese yet? better get on it.
i google translated the second Paula comment!! "Tree and Stevie were you a great gift for me and William, Your love is beautiful, we got to know a little and anosso love for you is growing every day, I will not leave you more of our lives. Thank you for you exist in our lives. many kisses and kisses"
It's a bit like you are travelling with Earnest Hemmingway......
Many places named trujillo perhaps, but only one trujillo tribe we care about!! You guys are such fun to travel with, even if it is only via your blog...... per stevie's comments a few entries back about hope - for me, i think it just might be the two of you! Hugs from the Hood,
Hey Jan - I just sent this via email to your hubby...
well said my friend, well said! I am learning a lot from this guy. And absorbing every bit of it. Stevie and I are looking forward to seeing you and Jan and the kids in August. Can we set up a dinner with just the 4 of us?
nosotros les invitamos la cena (dinner is on us!)
You’re funny Tree! I can see how Stevie was charmed into loving you. Great blog :)
Sad to hear you're parting from Guillermo and Paola soon, I've really enjoyed Guillermo's inspiring words in your posts!
yo PanAm Notes! we are gonna miss those guys for sure. What up with you guys? Are you holding up in Peru for a while? Wait for us. We're a couple few months away. TREE
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