Saturday, November 13, 2010

We're Not In Kansas Anymore...

No, we're in Sayulita, a lush green little paradise on the Pacific coast Mainland. We spent the day exploring, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and outfitting the bungalow we'll call home for the next month. We've rented a sweet little self-contained studio cabin right in the middle of a Mexican neighborhood. We've got wifi in our room and Kiki has a big yard to lurk in. This area is a dramatic change from the dry desert of Baja. Here it's green and humid, like a jungle. Tomorrow we'll do a day trip north to look for waves, and Monday is our first day of language school. I'm already nervous. What am I going to wear? I wonder if the other kids will like me?  Will Stevie make me sit in the front row again? So many worries. Oh well, they still have recess in Mexico, right? TREE


mellie said...

Hey you guys~ I love keeping track of your adventures! I watched a movie this week that reminded me of you and your trip. I know you aren't mountain climbers but the spirit of the journey resonated and if you get a good internet connection you can watch it on netflix. It's called 180* South and it's a documentary about a surfer/climber who travels to Patagonica and ends up somewhat active in preserving a nature conservancy down there. Plus there is surfing. Check it out if you get a chance, and happy happy travels! -mellie

Anonymous said...

Tree, just dont fall asleep in class... Like you did way back when. <3

stevie said...

Thanks for the recommendation Mel! I will download it on my computer through iTunes. I love documentaries...and that one sounds inspiring without being traumatizing. So many that I watch are awesome but seriously heartbreaking. And Tree actually used to be a rock/mountain climber before his climbing accident (he broke both of his feet)...that's why he gave it up and started surfing instead. So it's a perfect movie for us! And thanks for commenting!!! I LOVE COMMENTS. I love hearing friends voices in my head as we travel along....

And Indra, don't worry, no study partner of mine will be snoozing. xo.

Anonymous said...

. . . The challenge is getting him TO class in the first place(or back IN from recess!) - he has always been one to study best in the school of expérience rather than a classroom. . . but if you are there Stevie, he is more likely to be there too. . . just tuck his desk up close to yours :-)

Alexis Schulman said...

Tree- from personal experience, whatever you do, DO NOT ask Stevie to tutor you. Trust me. She's a slave driver!

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