Friday, April 30, 2010

THIS JUST IN - Steamers Lane is Legit

It's true. The wave in Santa Cruz known as "The Lane" is as good as everyone says. I had 3 amazing sessions out there. This break peels off the point at the lighthouse and creates an amazing right. Further down the line the wave does not quite section and you can sit at a spot called Indicators and pick it up again. This A-frame creates a sweet right and a left at higher tide. It is also true that the break is fairly localized, but not as bad as places like Venice. 5 stars for sure. We'll be back for this wave on our way to Mexico! TREE

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wine Tasting Santa Cruz

Let the record show that Santa Cruz has fully treated us right. We love this town. It's right up there with Encinitas in almost every category. Plus it has fabulous wine. We hit Bonny Dune Winery yesterday after multiple recommendations and it was off the hook. So we went back today and did another tasting and then had dinner in their restaurant. 5 star food, no doubt. There happened to be a 40 person VIP group coming through and they had pre-arrange a barrel tasting. Soooo, after dinner we managed to "slide" our way into the group. What? Exactly!!! It was tops. Their logo made the wall of fame inside the Sprinter. Tomorrow is our last day in Santa Cruz. Then its off to Napa Valley for a 2 day wine passport event. Surfing has truly become my second sport. Stevie... What have you done to me! :) TREE

Diligently Following Rule #4 - Family Code Of Conduct While Surviving As a Nomad

Jalapenos, not to be missed in Santa Cruz, and Stevie knows it!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life on the road is very different from life in a single location. Collectively I’ve spent years of my life living in trucks and vans. I love the freedom it provides. I love that at any time you can just pick up and roll on down the road. Always new places. Always new people. Always new adventures! But I always tell people that life on the road is not for everyone! It requires a certain… commitment to the nomadic way of life, because it ain’t all wine and sunsets! Last November when Stevie and I moved into the van full time I was worried about how she would adjust. I can now safely say that she was made for this life! She is amazingly adaptable and loves the nomad lifestyle as much as I do. From coffee shop to Laundromat to tracking down our next shower at 24 hour fitness, Stevie is always Game On! As for Kiki? Was there ever a doubt! She’s in heaven! TREE

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rain Day in Santa Cruz

Well, it’s raining and windy in Santa Cruz. The waves are totally blown out so we’re pulling an all day work session at Java Junction. Kiki is NOT happy as she is confined to the Sprinter on rain days and is usually left completly alone. She won’t even look at us when we return. Hopefully weather improves tomorrow. TREE

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wine Tasting in Santa Maria

One of the many things that I LOVE about the northern stretch of the Pan-American trip is all of the delicious wine country between Southern California and Alaska. And rest assured dear friends, we will stop at each and every location and sample the local offering. In the above photos we are in Santa Maria, famous for their Pinots, Chardonnays, and Syrahs. This particular winery, Laetitia, is gorgeous. We tasted some excellent Pinots and walked out with a couple bottles of Muscat. How do we always do that? -STEVIE

When we all moved into the big, white den, we each got a cabinet or two for our personal belongings. The appropriation of space was not entirely fair, but I didn't complain. Mom has an entire wall for her excessive shoe collection, and don't even get me started on all of Dad's surfboards by my bed. But now they have gone too far. They have stuffed my cubby, MY LONE CUBBY, with wine. All I have to say is that if I run out of chicken treats, there will be hell to pay- Ruff- KIKI

Santa Cruz - the water is cold here!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Living The Dream

Last nights bivy site was full on! We found a secluded pull-out off the highway 1 in Central California, about 40 miles south of Big Sur. Perched several hundred feet above the Pacific Ocean, it made a great spot for a sunset wine session and Stevie gladly finished off the 2002 Classico we bought back in Solvang. I must say, the thing we love most about our home is the world class views we get from the front porch! TREE

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jalama Beach

We just spent a fun couple days at Jalama beach, which is a total secret gem located on the central California coast. I was stoked to surf but the first day was blown out and then I hurt my back, so no waves. We drank wine, sat around a fire, and of course followed our rule #4 of our Family Code Of Conduct While Surviving As a Nomad, which reads...

Always sample local food and beverage when it is titled "Famous"

In this case, the Famous Jalama Hamburger. It did not disappoint, as demonstrated by Stevie in Photo #3 above!
Now heading North to Big Sur. TREE

Thursday, April 22, 2010

1 week travel forecast

We like to keep our plans really loose to leave room for spontaneity, but we generally have some idea of where we're going.

This afternoon we're heading to Jalama to camp on the beach for a couple days. I can't wait! Campfires, smores, sipping wine and watching the sunset. I've never been to Jalama but it sounds amazing. Check out the description from Surfline "Sweeping, pastoral ranchlands, wooded arroyos and endless oak trees precede the ultra-popular summertime south coast getaway known as Jalama Beach County Park, which sports three recognized surf spots: the Beachbreak, Cracks and Tarantulas (or "Ts" for short). Reached 14 miles from Highway 1 via serpentine Jalama Road through the Santa Ynez Mountains, Jalama is a primo southwest swell area and, for most folk, is the northernmost portal for surfing in Santa Barbara County".

After Jalama, we'll make a stop in Pismo to see a friend, and then we'll hang in Santa Cruz- the artichoke capital of the world-for a few days. I think I'm going to have to fire roast a few while I'm there- STEVIE

Wine Tasting in Solvang

Photos of us lurking at Mandolina, one of our favorite tasting rooms in Santa Ynez. Stevie of course makes friends EVERYWHERE. As long as the topic isn't politics, we're good to go! After hearing our plan, Cindy from Solvang is eager to follow our trip and Stevie gives her the URL for the blog.

Refugio Beach

Sunset wine session at Refugio. Nice right point break in the background- TREE

The Pan-American Highway

A lot of people emailed me asking what the hell the Pan American highway is. Here you go. (click on picture to the right). We are not going to follow the exact route , but we will be on it in several sections. We plan to drive down the Baja Peninsula and once we ferry into mainland Mexico we will stay along the Pacific coast for the surfing. We will hit Belize and a couple other east coast desination though. - TREE

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Word From Kiki

Retirement is great!!! Mom and Dad finally moved into the big white den, and I couldn't be happier about it. Now I can keep a really good eye on the pack at all times. Today is a little stormy up here in Santa Ynez, but that's okay. Mom and Dad are about to start boozin' it at the wineries, and that always brightens the day. Maybe they'll get tipsy and give me way too many chicken treats. Ruff Ruff. -KIKI

I'm an Addict

I am a surf board addict

Departure Day - Pan-American Highway!!!

We're off! Finally. After 2 years of planning, our Pan-American Highway trip (and Kiki's retirement) has begun. We left on April 18th (my birthday) after partying in downtown LA with my cousin Paul and his wife Kelly. Good Times! Our plan is to spend 4 months driving up to Alaska. From there we will turn around and head south, all the way to the tip of South America. Tierra Del Fuego! That's our plan anyway. - TREE

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